
 Import modules

In [1]:
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Render our plots inline
%matplotlib inline

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn
import shutil

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) # Display all the columns

# Reference for color palettes: http://web.stanford.edu/~mwaskom/software/seaborn/tutorial/color_palettes.html

# Change the font
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.family': 'Source Sans Pro'})
In [2]:
from makerlabs import fablabs_io
from makerlabs import diybio_org
from makerlabs import hackerspaces_org

 Load data

In [3]:
flio = fablabs_io.get_labs(format="pandas")
In [4]:
# Add the OpenCage API Key here, from https://geocoder.opencagedata.com/api
diybio = diybio_org.get_labs(format="pandas", open_cage_api_key="xxxxxxx")
In [5]:
# Add the OpenCage API Key here, from https://geocoder.opencagedata.com/api
hackerspaces = hackerspaces_org.get_labs(format="pandas", open_cage_api_key="xxxxxxx")

 Check data

In [6]:
address_1 address_2 address_notes avatar blurb capabilities city continent country country_code county description email id lab_type latitude links longitude name phone postal_code slug source url
123 http://fablabs.io.s3.amazonaws.com/2018/01/31/... [] North America United States USA 832 Fab Lab 39.756 {u'twitter': u'', u'facebook': u''} -100.713 xyz 123 fablabs.io https://www.fablabs.io/labs/123
1535fablab 115A, Rue Emile Mark http://fablabs.io.s3.amazonaws.com/2017/01/28/... [three_d_printing, cnc_milling, circuit_produc... Differdange Europe Luxembourg LUX A Fab Lab (Fabrication Laboratory) is an open ... fablablux@technoport.lu 979 Fab Lab 49.5216 {u'twitter': u'', u'facebook': u'', 1722: u'ht... 5.89988 1535°C FabLab +352 545 580 438 L-4620 1535fablab fablabs.io https://www.fablabs.io/labs/1535fablab
2188mk 2188 Maker Space, 2nd Floor, Business Center Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, ... http://fablabs.io.s3.amazonaws.com/2017/01/28/... 2188 Maker Space is a maker space supported by... [three_d_printing, cnc_milling, circuit_produc... Shenzhen Asia China CHN Guangdong 2188 Maker Space building as an important goal... jinyan@sziit.edu.cn 1069 Fab Lab 0 {1884: u'http://www.2188mk.com', u'twitter': u... 0 Fablab 2188 Maker Space +86 755 89226685 518172 2188mk fablabs.io https://www.fablabs.io/labs/2188mk
36incfablab City Center Mall 3rd floor Go up the escalator to the third floor. http://fablabs.io.s3.amazonaws.com/2017/01/28/... Part of the State of Chhattisgarh Incubator. [three_d_printing, cnc_milling, circuit_produc... Raipur Asia India IND CG 36 Inc is the Technology and Business Incubato... ceochips@nic.in 1092 Fab Lab 0 {1940: u'http://36inc.gov.in/fablab', u'twitte... 0 36 Inc Fablab +91-771-4014158 492001 36incfablab fablabs.io https://www.fablabs.io/labs/36incfablab
3dbell Via Giovanni Amendola, n.9 http://fablabs.io.s3.amazonaws.com/2017/01/28/... "da IDEA a MATERIA" [three_d_printing] Mercato San Severino Europe Italy ITA Salerno info@3dbell.it 925 Fab Lab 40.7846 {u'twitter': u'', 1619: u'http://www.3dbell.it... 14.7605 3DBell FabLab 0899764122 84085 3dbell fablabs.io https://www.fablabs.io/labs/3dbell
In [7]:
address_1 city continent country country_code county lab_type latitude longitude name postal_code slug source state url
berkeleybiolabs.com/ Berkeley North America United States of America USA Alameda County DIYBio Lab 37.8708 -122.273 berkeleybiolabs.com/ None berkeleybiolabs.com/ diybio.org California http://berkeleybiolabs.com/
bioartlab.com/ Eindhoven Europe The Netherlands NLD None DIYBio Lab 51.4486 5.45012 bioartlab.com/ None bioartlab.com/ diybio.org North Brabant http://bioartlab.com/
bioclub.org/ Tokyo Asia Japan JPN None DIYBio Lab 34.2256 139.295 bioclub.org/ None bioclub.org/ diybio.org Tokyo http://www.bioclub.org/
biocurious.org/ Sunnyvale North America United States of America USA Santa Clara County DIYBio Lab 37.3688 -122.036 biocurious.org/ None biocurious.org/ diybio.org California http://biocurious.org/
biodidact.net/ Los Alamos North America United States of America USA Los Alamos County DIYBio Lab 35.8814 -106.299 biodidact.net/ None biodidact.net/ diybio.org New Mexico http://biodidact.net/
In [8]:
address_1 city continent country country_code county email equipment eventbrite facebook fee flickr forum founding googleplus ical irc jabber lab_type latitude logo longitude maillist membercount phone postal_code site size source state status text twitter ustream wiki youtube
"Portsmouth_Makerspace" NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN portsmouthmakerspace@groups.facebook.com NaN NaN https://www.facebook.com/groups/portsmouthmake... Currently there is no fee, as meetings have no... NaN NaN 2017/01/05 NaN NaN NaN NaN Hackerspace NaN Makerspace Picture Linkedin.jpg NaN NaN 13 NaN NaN NaN NaN hackerspaces.org NaN building \nOfficial group of the first Portsmouth (UK) ... NaN NaN NaN NaN
*.* None None None None None None None josagal8@gmail.com NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2011/07/14 NaN NaN NaN NaN Hackerspace None NaN None josagal8@gmail.com 1 6057138** None NaN NaN hackerspaces.org None planned NaN NaN NaN NaN
-RWebLAB Cami des Castell Maó Europe Spain (territorial waters) ESP Menorca NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Hackerspace 39.8856 NaN 4.26835 NaN 3 NaN 07702 http://sevilleta.es NaN hackerspaces.org Balearic Islands building \n-RWebLAB is a server-based hacklab from Spai... NaN NaN http://wiki.sevilleta.es NaN
..::c0re1ndustries::.. Labu Asia PRC CHN Chindu County thetanktheory@gmail.com NaN NaN NaN NA NaN NaN 2010/01/26 NaN NaN NaN NaN Hackerspace 33.2664 NaN 97.1388 http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=44679852... 13 NaN None www.c0re1ndustries.com NA hackerspaces.org Qinghai planned \nI am looking for a group of like-minded indi... NaN NaN www.c0re.wikia.com NaN
/dev/base NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2017/08/18 NaN NaN NaN NaN Hackerspace NaN NaN NaN NaN 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN hackerspaces.org NaN building NaN NaN NaN NaN

 Save data to csv

In [9]:
flio.to_csv("flio.csv", encoding='utf-8')
In [10]:
hackerspaces.to_csv("hs.csv", encoding='utf-8')
In [11]:
diybio.to_csv("diybio.csv", encoding='utf-8')

Analyse data

In [12]:
array([u'USA', u'LUX', u'CHN', u'IND', u'ITA', u'DEU', u'BRA', u'ARG',
       u'KOR', u'FRA', u'KAZ', u'ECU', u'SVK', u'RWA', u'BEL', u'POL',
       u'GEO', u'AUT', u'DNK', u'RUS', u'LBN', u'SGP', u'CAN', u'GUF',
       u'TWN', u'KWT', u'ESP', u'FIN', u'PRT', u'TUR', u'PHL', u'IRN',
       u'KHM', u'KEN', u'JPN', u'EGY', u'CHE', u'COL', u'CIV', u'GBR',
       u'NLD', u'BEN', u'SAU', u'ZAF', u'MAR', u'TTO', u'SEN', u'SRB',
       u'BGD', u'NZL', u'CMR', u'PAN', u'TUN', u'MLI', u'THA', u'SLV',
       u'HRV', u'CHL', u'ETH', u'AUS', u'AFG', u'ISL', u'JOR', u'MEX',
       u'GRC', u'PER', u'BHR', u'IDN', u'CZE', u'ROU', u'HUN', u'VNM',
       u'PRY', u'ARE', u'ISR', u'LTU', u'PAK', u'MYS', u'LVA', u'IRL',
       u'SVN', u'NOR', u'PSE', u'PRI', u'QAT', u'REU', u'SUR', u'SWE',
       u'MLT', u'CRI', u'NAM', u'UKR', u'NGA', u'BFA', u'OMN', u'BOL',
       u'HKG', u'GTM', u'GLP', u'MNE', u'MAC', u'URY', u'BGR', u'GHA',
       u'TGO', u'JAM'], dtype=object)
In [13]:
USA    170
FRA    155
ITA    134
ESP     49
DEU     47
IND     45
GBR     41
BRA     40
NLD     32
RUS     31
GEO     25
CAN     23
CHN     21
BEL     19
PRT     19
CHE     18
KOR     17
JPN     17
MEX     15
POL     13
TWN     13
PER     12
ARG     12
SAU     10
EGY      9
AUT      9
CHL      8
ZAF      8
TUR      8
COL      8
SUR      1
BOL      1
BGR      1
PSE      1
TGO      1
PAK      1
GUF      1
TTO      1
BGD      1
MNE      1
OMN      1
ETH      1
HRV      1
MYS      1
NGA      1
NAM      1
SLV      1
ROU      1
GTM      1
HKG      1
SWE      1
KHM      1
PAN      1
AFG      1
JAM      1
HUN      1
URY      1
MLT      1
THA      1
MAC      1
Name: country_code, Length: 106, dtype: int64
In [14]:
flio["country_code"].value_counts().plot(kind="barh", figsize=(20,30))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10ee26fd0>
In [15]:
flio["country"].value_counts().plot(kind="barh", figsize=(20,30))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10f0e1690>
In [16]:
flio["city"].value_counts().plot(kind="barh", figsize=(20,30))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x110897550>
In [17]:
flio["continent"].value_counts().plot(kind="barh", figsize=(20,10))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1113f21d0>

 Data export for the MakerSpacesRadar

In [18]:
# Concatenate the three DataFrames, in order to handle global data
total_data = pd.concat([flio, diybio, hackerspaces])


In [19]:
# Number of each type of labs
number_of_labs = total_data["lab_type"].value_counts()
number_of_labs.plot(kind="barh", figsize=(10,5))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x111b01e90>
In [20]:
# number_of_labs is a Series, convert it into a DataFrame with a cluster column and save it
csv0 = pd.DataFrame()
csv0["count"] = number_of_labs
csv0["lab_type"] = number_of_labs.index
csv0.insert(0, "cluster", "total")
csv0.set_index('cluster', inplace=True)
csv0 = csv0[["lab_type", "count"]]
In [21]:
lab_type count
total Hackerspace 2238
total Fab Lab 1219
total DIYBio Lab 104
In [22]:
csv0.to_csv("00.csv", encoding='utf-8')


In [23]:
# Number of each type of labs per continent
csv1 = total_data.groupby(['continent', 'lab_type']).size().to_frame('count')
csv1.plot(kind="barh", figsize=(10,5))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x112589ad0>
In [24]:
continent lab_type
Africa Fab Lab 50
Hackerspace 46
Asia DIYBio Lab 7
Fab Lab 216
Hackerspace 441
Europe DIYBio Lab 42
Fab Lab 631
Hackerspace 678
North America DIYBio Lab 44
Fab Lab 221
Hackerspace 413
Oceania DIYBio Lab 6
Fab Lab 9
Hackerspace 28
South America DIYBio Lab 5
Fab Lab 92
Hackerspace 63
In [25]:
csv1.to_csv("01.csv", encoding='utf-8', header=True)


In [26]:
# Number of each type of labs per country
csv2 = total_data.groupby(['country', 'lab_type']).size().to_frame('count')
csv2.plot(kind="barh", figsize=(10,5))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x112397e90>
In [27]:
country lab_type
Afghanistan Fab Lab 1
Hackerspace 1
Albania Hackerspace 1
Algeria Hackerspace 4
Antigua and Barbuda Hackerspace 1
In [28]:
csv2.to_csv("02. csv", encoding='utf-8', header=True)


In [29]:
# Number of each type of labs per city
csv3 = total_data.groupby(['city', 'lab_type']).size().to_frame('count')
In [30]:
city lab_type
西安市 Fab Lab 1
贵阳 Fab Lab 1
阿热勒乡 Hackerspace 1
대구광역시 Fab Lab 1
서울특별시 Fab Lab 3
In [31]:
city lab_type
Lublin Fab Lab 1
Norfolk Fab Lab 1
DIYBio Lab 1
Noida Hackerspace 1
Nizhny Novgorod Hackerspace 1
In [32]:
csv3.to_csv("03.csv", encoding='utf-8', header=True)


In [33]:
# Count labs
csv4 = flio.groupby(["country", "country_code"])['country'].count().reset_index(name="count").set_index("country")
In [34]:
# Reorder columns for plotly
csv4 = csv4[["count", "country_code"]]
In [35]:
# Check the data
count country_code
Afghanistan 1 AFG
Argentina 12 ARG
Australia 3 AUS
Austria 9 AUT
Bahrain 2 BHR
In [36]:
# Save file
csv4.to_csv("04.csv", encoding='utf-8', header=True)


In [37]:
# Count labs
csv5 = hackerspaces.groupby(["country", "country_code"])['country'].count().reset_index(name="count").set_index("country")
In [38]:
# Reorder columns for plotly
csv5 = csv5[["count", "country_code"]]
In [39]:
# Check the data
count country_code
Afghanistan 1 AFG
Albania 1 ALB
Algeria 4 DZA
Antigua and Barbuda 1 ATG
Argentina 5 ARG
In [40]:
# Save file
csv5.to_csv("05.csv", encoding='utf-8', header=True)


In [41]:
# Count labs
csv6 = diybio.groupby(["country", "country_code"])['country'].count().reset_index(name="count").set_index("country")
In [42]:
# Reorder columns for plotly
csv6 = csv6[["count", "country_code"]]
In [43]:
# Check the data
count country_code
Argentina 1 ARG
Australia 4 AUS
Austria 1 AUT
Belgium 3 BEL
Brazil 3 BRA
In [44]:
# Save file
csv6.to_csv("06.csv", encoding='utf-8', header=True)